
arSensa’s passion is building high performing teams. Continuous improvement and learning is key to better teams and better organizations. Our training philosophy is rooted in practical learning.


All of our courses combine hands-on practice and exercises ensuring an engaging memorable experience. Every one of our instructors is also a consultant. Be taught by industry experts who bring real-world insight to your learning experience.

We specialize in corporate training, offering only private sessions. This ensures that the learning experience is relevant to you and allows a focus not available in public sessions. All courses and exercises can be customized upon request. Courses are available in both in-person and virtual sessions.

To book a course contact us.

Curriculum Design

For a truly customized experience our experts can design and build training courses suited to your needs. Let us use our hands-on training approach to create courseware for your organization.

Our trainers have designed courses in use by national education companies on a variety of subjects in both hard-skill technical areas and soft-skill growth. Custom built courses optionally include the development of student evaluation materials, train-the-trainer programs, and pair teaching.

Agile Courses

Agile Teams Fundamentals

1 or 2 days — attach_fileDetails

An introduction to the roles and processes of an Agile Team

Agile practices are changing how organizations build products and remain relevant to their customers. The flexible approach to requirements and emphasis on quick delivery is changing how organizations are structured and their approach to their customers. This course teaches the fundamentals of Agile, what it means to work on and with Agile teams, and how to start using Agile in your organization tomorrow.

Agile Leadership

1 day — attach_fileDetails

How adopting Agile methodologies requires a change in organizational leadership

Adopting Agile at the team level is only the first step in a longer journey. As Agile methodologies spread through an organization, how that organization is managed must change. This course covers the impact of Agile transformation on leadership styles and how to adjust to get the most out of your Agile teams.

Agile Coaching

2 days — attach_fileDetails

How Scrum Masters can up their game

Agile and Scrum have changed the way organizations think about doing work. The role of Scrum Master is key to a team’s success, helping them improve their delivery and clearing their path. Moving from coaching teams to helping organizations transform is a daunting task. This course teaches how.

Agile Engineering Concepts

1 day — attach_fileDetails

Modern engineering practices in Agile teams

The rapid nature of Agile development requires a different approach to building and testing software. This course teaches the modern engineering practices used by Agile teams.

Agile Product Management

1 day — attach_fileDetails

How to manage multiple products and teams in an Agile environment

The adoption of Agile methodologies means changes not only at the team, but also at the organizational levels. As your organization increasingly adopts Agile practices, your approach to product management must change.

Agile Remote Teams

2 days — attach_fileDetails

How to adopt Agile in distributed and remote teams

Distributed and remote working teams have become increasingly common in large organizations. As companies embrace Agile practices, their transformations are made more challenging by geographic and timezone separation. This virtual course covers how Agile helps make distributed teams more productive, the cultural changes necessary for success, and the variety of structural and management patterns available.

Agile Requirements

1 or 2 days — attach_fileDetails

How to use Just-in-time requirements management to help your Agile teams excel

The rapid and flexible nature of Agile delivery requires timely management of requirements for success. An Agile Product Owner is constantly eliciting new requirements, writing user stories, refining the backlog, and interacting with their Agile team to ensure the right things are being delivered.

Becoming an Agile Org

1 day — attach_fileDetails

What an Agile transformation means to your organization and how to get it under way

Changing development processes can have a deep impact on your organization. This course discusses what becoming Agile means for your company and the right and wrong way of undertaking a transformation.

Process Courses

Kanban Methodology

1 or 2 days — attach_fileDetails

An introduction to Kanban and how it can be used at both the team and organizational level

Kanban began as a scheduling process in manufacturing as part of the Lean approach. Since its inception it has grown and is now used across industries. Kanban is used at the small scale within Scrum teams, as an Agile methodology in its own right, and at departmental levels to aid in feature flow through an organization.

Introduction to Lean

2 days — attach_fileDetails

Learn how Lean approaches reduce waste, improve quality, and create customer value

Lean began in manufacturing but has grown to being a multi-disciplinary methodology. Just-in-time production, shortening delivery times, focus on quality, and continual improvement are all concepts that can be used regardless of your industry. This course introduces you to the Lean methodology and how to adapt it to your needs.

Objectives & Your Organization

1 day — attach_fileDetails

Managing and measuring performance through objectives and expectations

Ensuring all parts of your organization are focused on the right outcomes is a challenge. The setting of goals and expectations helps steer companies, reduce risk, and leads to better results. This course gives an overview of goal setting methodologies including Management By Objectives and Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), teaching the benefits and pitfalls of these mechanisms and their effects on your organization.

Technical Courses

Understanding Modern Engineering

1 or 2 days — attach_fileDetails

An introduction to computing concepts for non-techies

Development teams speak their own language and the pace at which technology is moving makes keeping up difficult. This course is for non-technical people who want a high level understanding of the tools and tech stack used in modern engineering environments. Improve your ability to communicate with your technical teams and better understand their challenges.

Python Bootcamp for Business Grads

5 days — attach_fileDetails

Learn Python as your first programming language

Increasingly businesses are reliant on managing and manipulating data. Excel only takes you so far and the ability to write small scripts to solve problems can improve your efficiency. This course introduces you to coding using the Python programming language.

Python for Progammers

1 or 3 days — attach_fileDetails

Learning Python as your 2nd (3rd, 4th…) language

Most programming courses make no assumption about your prior knowledge, this course is different. It assumes you already are a programmer. Want to dive head first into Python, but don’t want to sit through a basic course? This class is for you.

Programming with APIs in Python

2, 3, or 4 days — attach_fileDetails

Learn to access write programs to access or host APIs

An enormous amount of data is available behind APIs, and this course shows you both how to access it as well as build your own. You will learn how to use popular libraries to deal with APIs with a minimum amount of work. The 2-day course concentrates on API access, and two 1-day add-ons are available for hosting APIs using FastAPI and Django frameworks.

Data Science and Python

3 days — attach_fileDetails

Take your data analysis beyond Excel with popular Python libraries

Excel is a powerful all-purpose tool, but it has its limits. For larger datasets, or more complex calculations, you need to go past it. The Python ecosystem has many libraries that can help you do data analysis, including experimenting, managing, and visualizing your data.

Django Web Framework

3 days — attach_fileDetails

Learn to write Django applications

Django is a powerful web framework that allows the rapid creation of websites. This hands-on course introduces you to Django’s database modelling, web view mechanism, user management, authentication, authorization, templating, and the Django admin toolkit.

Django REST Framework

1 day — attach_fileDetails

Learn to use the DRF

The DRF quickly enables programmers to add REST-based APIs to their Django site. This course introduces Django coders to the DRF’s view mechanisms, serialization, routing, renderers, and permissions.

Web Testing with Selenium IDE

1 day — attach_fileDetails

Better testing through automation

Automation in testing is key to improving the throughput of development teams and is required to achieve Continuous Integration and Delivery goals. Selenium is a collection of open sourced tools that automates web testing. Selenium IDE is a click-to-record and test playback tool. This course introduces Selenium IDE and how to use it in your testing environments.

Web Testing with Selenium

2 days — attach_fileDetails

An introduction to Selenium IDE and programming WebDriver

Automation in testing is key to improving the throughput of development teams and is required to achieve Continuous Integration and Delivery goals. Selenium is a collection of open sourced tools that automates web testing. This course covers both the record-and-playback Selenium IDE and programming Selenium directly with WebDriver.