An introduction to computing concepts for non-techies
Development teams speak their own language and the pace at which
technology is moving makes keeping up difficult. This course is for
non-technical people who want a high level understanding of the tools
and tech stack used in modern engineering environments. Improve your
ability to communicate with your technical teams and better understand
their challenges.
Learn Python as your first programming language
Increasingly businesses are reliant on managing and manipulating
data. Excel only takes you so far and the ability to write small
scripts to solve problems can improve your efficiency. This course
introduces you to coding using the Python programming language.
Learning Python as your 2nd (3rd, 4th…) language
Most programming courses make no assumption about your prior
knowledge, this course is different. It assumes you already are a
programmer. Want to dive head first into Python, but don’t want to sit
through a basic course? This class is for you.
Learn to access write programs to access or host APIs
An enormous amount of data is available behind APIs, and this
course shows you both how to access it as well as build your own. You
will learn how to use popular libraries to deal with APIs with a
minimum amount of work. The 2-day course concentrates on API access,
and two 1-day add-ons are available for hosting APIs using FastAPI and
Django frameworks.
Take your data analysis beyond Excel with popular Python libraries
Excel is a powerful all-purpose tool, but it has its limits. For
larger datasets, or more complex calculations, you need to go past it.
The Python ecosystem has many libraries that can help you do data
analysis, including experimenting, managing, and visualizing your
Learn to write Django applications
Django is a powerful web framework that allows the rapid creation
of websites. This hands-on course introduces you to Django’s database
modelling, web view mechanism, user management, authentication,
authorization, templating, and the Django admin toolkit.
Learn to use the DRF
The DRF quickly enables programmers to add REST-based APIs to their
Django site. This course introduces Django coders to the DRF’s view
mechanisms, serialization, routing, renderers, and permissions.
Better testing through automation
Automation in testing is key to improving the throughput of
development teams and is required to achieve Continuous Integration
and Delivery goals. Selenium is a collection of open sourced tools
that automates web testing. Selenium IDE is a click-to-record and
test playback tool. This course introduces Selenium IDE and how to use
it in your testing environments.
An introduction to Selenium IDE and programming WebDriver
Automation in testing is key to improving the throughput of
development teams and is required to achieve Continuous Integration and
Delivery goals. Selenium is a collection of open sourced tools that
automates web testing. This course covers both the record-and-playback
Selenium IDE and programming Selenium directly with WebDriver.